Mac Installation
      Mac users can use InstantPublisherColor software to upload both black & white and color manuscripts to InstantPublisherColor site.
      InstantPublisherColor installer ususally will be downloaded to your desktop. You will need to reboot your machine after the installation and the InstantPublisherColor print driver will be set as the default printer after the reboot

OS 8.6 - 9.X

Click Continue to start the installation.  

Click Install to continue.

This screen indicates the successful installation, click Quit.

Create desktop printer icon.

Set InstantPublisherColor as default printer.

OS X (Panther 10.3)

     *** Download the .DMG file to your local drive. The DMG file download works two ways depending on which version of OS X & web browser you are using. 1.) DMG file downloads to desktop, then double-click the DMG file. It will unpack itself as the InstantPublisher Web Helper application. 2.)DMG file downloads to desktop and automatically unpacks itself as the InstantPublisher Web Helper application. Then Drag the InstantPublisher Web Helper application from the Desktop into the Applications folder and double click it. At this point the InstantPublisher Web Helper will create the print driver.
     *** The default web browser needs to be running before try to print to instantpublishercolor print driver. If not, there will be an error within Print Center but the details about the error aren't visible unless watching the print job within the Print Center application.
     *** You will need to delete the temporary files if there is a problem with one of the jobs in the queue. You can first try using the Restart Transfer option within the InstantpublisherColor Web Helper, or delete the temporary files that reside in the user's preferences folder (under user's /~Library folder) and start a new transfer.

More need to know about Mac color printing...

     *** Currently, the InstantPublisherColor software supports Mac OS 8.6 - 9.x and OS X 10.2 above.
     *** Please avoid using special characters to name your file, such as ?, /, _ and &, etc.
     *** InstantPublisherColor software recommends Internet Explorer 5.1.7 above on OS 8.6 - 9.x, Safari 1.2.3 above or Internet Explorer 5.2.3 above on OS 10.3 or above. Safari ships with OS X and Internet Explorer can be downloaded from Microsoft site. For OS 8.6 -9.x, Go to Control Panels -> Internet -> Web (tab) Set your preferred web browser in the pull down menu. OS X users can set up the default browser from the Safari preferences setting screen. Be sure to have the browser open before you print the file using instantpublishercolor printer.
     *** If any previous file submission fails, OS 8.6 - OS 9.x user needs to delete some temporary files from the local driver. Go to System Folder--Preference--InstantpublisherColor Web Helper--In Transit directory, and delete any files in that directory.
     *** For OS 8.6 - 9.x users, please make sure you have the Acrobat Web Plug-in installed for the browser. If you do not have it, you should be able to copy the PDFViewer plug-in from Applications--Acrobat or Acrobat Reader--Web Plug-ins directory into Internet Explorer directory as shown below.
     *** On OS X, Safari and IE both open the PDF with whatever the default PDF viewer is set to and the PDF viewer comes with the OS X.
     PDF file (the file in your library) should be opened directly within Safari with the latest Acrobat Reader 8.0 installed. If you encounter any issue with Safari, you can also try fixing Safari manually by choosing Help > Detect And Repair > Adobe PDFViewer.
     However, Acrobat or Acrobat Reader doesn't include the PDFViewer plug-in that allows you to view PDF files from within Internet Explorer browser window. Instead, you must configure Internet Explorer to use the Acrobat product as a helper application, then Internet Explorer starts the application and displays the PDF files within the Adobe Reader or Acrobat window. You can go to Internet Explorer Preferences > Under Receiving Files, click File Helpers > select Portable Document Format, click Change, and then click OK. Or, the Internet Explorer users can download the PDF file to your local drive by Control-click the link to a PDF file, and choose Download Link To Disk from the context menu. Acrobat or Acrobat Reader can only open PDF files within the browser using Safari 1.2.3 or later on Mac OS 10.3.5 or later. This plugin can be found in Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder. If the AdobePDFViewer files are deleted, then they will be self-healed after you start Acrobat again after the files were deleted.

The PDFViewer plug-in needs to be installed for Internet Explorer browser (OS 8.6- OS 9.x Only).

Verify PDFViewer plug-in is listed in File Helpers in Internet Explorer Preferences settings.